Juan Carlos Esquivel – Candidate For Doral City Council, Seat 4


Campaign website:



Current Employment: 

President and CEO- Port Logistics Solutions Corp. 


Political Experience:

In the 2020 Election, I ran for Council Seat No. 3, I received 7,077 votes. I have been a public servant in multiple nonprofit organizations. I have been successful in the private sector.


What is the most pressing issue facing the city, and how would you propose handling it?

Overspending, our local officials overspent money, a perfect example is the Doral Central Park that is costing $188 million dollars – I will stop and adjust the project to what the city needs.

Traffic has been an issue for years and has gotten worse with overdevelopment. When elected, before approving any project, I will force the developer to seek a combination approval from the County and DOT to expand our roads.

Our Permitting process is bureaucratic and needs to be managed by experts in the field that know how the process affects them and should work. Our Permitting Department should be outsourced.


How will you handle population growth in our city, especially with the recent arrival of illegal immigrants?

We live in a great City. However, prior administrations have allowed disproportionate housing without working together with the proper entities to expand our roads. Our Trolley needs to be upgraded and the routes redesigned to help traffic flow.  

As a country we cannot allow illegal immigration but that is the responsibility of our federal Government. Doral is a diverse cultural city, and most of its new residents are somehow in an immigration process, they have purchased homes, invested in local businesses, and we should guide them with information and help them succeed in their journey to the American dream.


Do you think the city should increase its police force?

A safe city should be the most important issue of any local government.  Our Police force is understaffed and overworked, not to mention that are the lowest paid police in Miami Dade.  When I get elected, I will propose not only to increase our police force, but also strive to give them decent salaries and benefits without affecting our budget. Current city officials spend too much money on other issues that are not necessary, like supporting those that are in the front line to make Doral a safe place to live. 

Personal message to voters:

In the primary elections of August 23rd, there was very little turnout of voters (19.08%). Local elections highly impact a city, we need to participate in this process by exercising our right to vote. My opponent has been in office for the past 4 years and has not proposed anything but Festivals and voted in favor of a juicy pension that will benefit from if she gets elected.  Please study each candidate and its trace before making a choice.  This November 8th, I humbly ask you for your vote, and like my campaign slogan says, “Together, we will take Doral to another level.”



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