
Seat number 3 is another of the positions up for election in the City of Doral Council, and all candidates for it assure that they are capable to occupy it.


Sandra Sabatella, @sandrasabatella


Continuing with our mission to inform residents and voters so they can learn who are the candidates in this election to City Council, we are introducing now the candidates to Seat No. 3

For City of Doral Council Seat 3, currently held by Vice Mayor Chisti Fraga, it is to be decided between her, who runs for re-election, and two other Doral residents, Digna Cabral and David Hernandez, who are basing their campaigns on their community service experience and assure they are the best option for the City of Doral.

We contacted each of these candidates to ask about certain issues that concern our community, so that the residents and voters have the opportunity to compare proposals and get to know them better.

Here are the answers of the candidates for Seat 3.

Candidates’ responses below are presented in strict alphabetical order, based on their last name:

What would be your goals as a City of Doral Councilmember? 

seat-3-doral-councilDIGNA CABRAL: “In serving as a council member, I want to improve the quality of life for the residents of Doral. I decided to run for Councilwoman in Seat #3 because I felt that all the reasons why my family and I chose to move to Doral were changing and diminishing. I believe that we can still change course and restore all the things that made this a great place to live. This November 8th, our residents will have the opportunity to decide if they want more of the same or if it is the time get our city back on track”.

CHRISTI FRAGA: “My goals while serving the City of Doral will continue to be:

– Safeguard and enhance quality of life for our residents.

– Protect your tax dollars by ensuring proficient budgeting, transparency, and future sustainability.

– Alleviate traffic with solutions that include expanding/connecting roads, increasing transit/mobility options, and collaborating with other public agencies.

– Prevent over development and incompatible growth.

– Ensure that past and present zoning approvals meet our growth plan and contribute to infrastructure, transit, and educational improvements.

– Establish “state-of-the art” park, recreation, and cultural facilities for Doral families to enjoy.

– Continue my emphasis on the timely delivery of Doral’s first Aquatics Facility.

– Provide first-rate, equipment, and training for Police to ensure the safety of our residents.

– Continue to support initiatives that promote education about social responsibility awareness.

– Continue emphasis on the youth with “first-class” schools, educational resources and opportunities”.

DAVID HERNANDEZ: “As your next Councilman, I plan on working hand in hand with local and state officials to find solutions to reduce traffic and improve our public transportation, promote responsible development by calling for moratorium on all new construction projects until the city develops a comprehensive master plan and increase public safety – we cannot put our families’ safety at risk”. 


What do you believe are the most pressing challenges facing the City of Doral and what are the specific initiatives that you would propose to address them? 

DIGNA CABRAL: “Growth and development are inevitable but we can ensure that we are responsible and mindful of how we approach new projects and rezoning. All of these decisions have meaningful impacts on traffic, infrastructure and even schools.  Just as concerning is that our residents have loss confidence in our City Council. The only way to restore it is by providing a transparent, responsible and accountable government. In order to achieve this our residents will have to elect a council member who will represent them and their interest. As your next councilwoman, every vote I take will be a vote for the interest of the residents of Doral”. 

CHRISTI FRAGA: “Our most pressing challenges are traffic and managing growth with public policies that ensure quality of life. To alleviate traffic:

– Open/connect vital roads: NW 82nd Ave/SR836 underpass; NW 102nd Avenue uninterrupted 41st-90th Street; NW 92nd Ave opened between 25th and 33rd Street.

– Expand Trolley routes; such as my proposed route to FIU and Miami-Dade College West.

– Work with public agencies to expand the Viaduct, and build entrances to SR836/NW 12th St and to the FL Turnpike/NW 25th St to streamline truck traffic.

– Update signaling technology and establish our first Traffic Monitoring Center.

Manage growth by:

– Preventing high-density projects; preserving neighborhood characteristics.

– Infrastructure, transit, and educational improvements must be ready prior to completing construction”.


DAVID HERNANDEZ: “The number one issue we have in Doral is traffic. We are backed up several hours a day due to the construction we have going on. As your next Councilman, I will call for moratorium on all new construction projects until the city develops a comprehensive master plan”. 


If you are elected, what do you think the relationship between government (the public sector) and business (the private sector) should be?  

DIGNA CABRAL: “Government and the private sector have played an important role in developing our city. The dual role of our local government is to act as a partner with the private sector in order to create an environment in which business can thrive and also vigilant to ensure that the residents interest are best served”.

CHRISTI FRAGA: “In Doral, the challenge in maintaining quality of life for our residents while also embracing our thriving, diverse business community requires balanced leadership and transparent public policy. While I believe in fostering and encouraging business, my primary concern has always been quality of life for our residents. We all want a dynamic, diverse, economically prosperous environment, but we also want our families to enjoy a little peace and quiet at world-class parks and recreational areas that complement excellent restaurants, shopping, and cultural venues. I believe the secret to this balance is having leaders who understand that public and private do not have to be mutually exclusive, but can co-exist to the enhancement of our city, and that the key to making it all work is having transparent public servants that provide balanced leadership in government”.

DAVID HERNANDEZ: “Once elected, I will make sure both Public and Private sectors work together to benefit us all and make Doral a better place to live, work and play”. 


Where do you see the City of Doral in the next ten years? As a Councilmember, how will you contribute to its achievements?


DIGNA CABRAL: “In the next ten years, Doral will still be a place I call home, a wonderful community balances the needs of hard working families and embraces the future.  I hope to be part of the movement that restores all the wonderful things that brought us here. I will work every day on behalf of the residents to deliver the quality of life and transparent government that will lead us to that bright future”. 

CHRISTI FRAGA: “Ten years might seem like a long time, but with the slow turning wheels of government, is it really? My commitment to Doral’s 10-year plan is realistic, focusing on our immediate needs. I would like to complete our network of roadways, work to combine quality, intra-county, and inter-city public transit options that may range from trolleys, metros, bike and car sharing programs. Deliver a vibrant educational and cultural environment for our children to thrive. Have multiple developed parks, recreational, and cultural venues, including our Aquatics Facility. Sustain one of the lowest property taxes in the county, while maintaining a fiscally sustainable budget with a healthy reserve, and a city (asset) repairs and replacement fund. I’ll continue to enhance safety, and quality of life in our City, not only for you, but also for future generations. Doral has a bright and bold future ahead, and with your support, this will surely be our Doral going forward”.

DAVID HERNANDEZ: “The City of Doral will be the mecca for families, tourism and businesses. We are such a rich and diverse city that the opportunities are endless. We just need to assure our residents that our city can and will grow all while improving our quality of life. As your next Councilman, I will work tirelessly to find solutions to reduce traffic and congestion, promote responsible development and increase our public safety to make sure our families are safe”.











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