Our Lady of Guadalupe announces New Protocol for Church Assistance from May 26

DORAL, FL – On Tuesday, May 26, catholic parishes will resume celebrating daily Masses in Florida. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church will too with new restrictions to avoid spreading the novel coronavirus. 

A message from Pastor Israel Mago

This reality that we are living now brings new challenges for all of us. For this reason, we need to learn how to handle the new norms recommended by our Archbishop Thomas Wenski and civil authorities. These are some of them:

1.  The use of a face mask is mandatory at all times except at the moment of receiving communion.

2. Social distancing is required at all times for the safety of everyone.

3. In phase 1 of the reopening plan, we will limit the attendance at Sunday mass to 25% of our capacity.

4. Weekday masses do not require previous reservation.

5.  Since occupancy is limited for those who want to attend Sunday mass, we will use a reservation system through our web page: www.guadalupedoral.org

6. Once you have made your reservation and upon arrival at the Parish, the parking volunteers and the Ushers at the Church entrance will verify your reservation.It is very important that if you come as a family, you come together to avoid confusion and unnecessary disruptions.

7. Once you arrive at the Church main entrance, your temperature will be taken and hand sanitizer will be provided to allow you access inside. 

8. Once inside the Church, an usher will guide you to where you will be seated. We ask you to collaborate with the servers and sit where you are placed. We have placed sits in between each visitor to maintain social distancing. 

9. Due to the limited space, the Adoration Chapel will be closed until a safe protocol is established.

10. In the parish temple and in the parish hall, there will only be one entrance and one exit in both the parking lot and the church.

11. At collection time you can do two things; either do it through your phone or dropping the donation in the basket that the ushers will be passing around. We will also have piggy bags at the exists where you can deposit your contribution. 

12. At the moment of the Holy Communion, the priest and the ushers will indicate the way to receive it following the new safety protocol.

13.  At the end of the service, please stay in your sits until receiving instructions from the Ushers.  They will show you the way to exit the Church keeping the required social distance.

14. In this first phase, people who are 65 years and older or with any preexisting medical condition (vulnerable group) are encouraged to stay home and watch the mass on Facebook or Youtube.

15. The dispensation from the obligation of attending mass on Sunday given by Archbishop Wenski continues indefinitely.

Let us try to keep always a good disposition to follow the indications from the servers of the parish.

May God bless you all.

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