Doral Academy student named winner of the 2011 KETCHUP Creativity Contest

From the more than 26,000 art entries from students across the country, just 12 were selected winners of the Heinz Ketchup Creativity Contest.  Among them, was Isidora Armijo from Doral Academy whose adorable panda bear design won top prize in the fourth grade category.

As one of the winners, Isidora will receive a $1,000 cash prize and her artwork will be featured nationwide on Heinz ketchup packages.  In addition, Doral Academy Elementary Charter School — located at 2450 NW 97 Avenue — will receive $1,000 in art supplies and $1,000 worth of Heinz Ketchup.

A panel of Heinz ketchup judges narrowed the field to 36 finalists from tens of thousands of entries.  America determined the 12 winners – one for each grade level from K – 12th grade — in an online vote.  The 12 winners’ designs will be seen on millions of Heinz Ketchup packets in the 2011-2012 school year.

Visit for a list of the 2011 winners’ designs.


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